week thirty one

 week thirty one

💾 - learned some new command line stuff this week. linux terminal is something that is always on my list of “stuff i want to get better at”. so instead of never getting around to reading a book about it, I’m trying to learn a new command every week that help me do something i’m trying to do. this week it was scp and sed, because i was exporting some things from a database and putting them in an excel file. and now i’ve just realised how i could have combined those two commands and done thing whole thing in one line???

🔎 - we’ve beeen working on search interactions this week, and how to make that experience better for our users. it’s a dead valuable piece of work but hard at the moment because we use an external search service which is very good but HARD to test around.

🐛 - got to debug a couple of fun things this week. honestly,Ii love a good bug. some user or stakeholder reports a strange experience, and we get to be detectives! I wanted to be a detective when I was a kid, and I love the times I get to be a computer detective. i occasionally think about working as a support engineer because i love solving mysteries for people so much 🕵️‍♀️.

☁️ - had a really good chat with a colleague about team forming with remote teams, and how complicated it is. something i’ve observed is that people often still run ceremonies or use the facilitation techniques that we used in the office, just transposed onto a video call. I think that lift and shift approach to the move to remote work is simplistic and not necessarily effective, and especially at the moment when we still have a team who used to work together in person, and half a team who have barely met any of their co-workers. it will be good to learn more about how companies who have always been remote do it.

Written on August 7, 2021