week eleven

 week eleven

👋 - there are a good few personnel changes on our team at the moment. it’s sad to say goodbye to some brilliant people, but we need to try to keep their great practices going on the team, and look forward to working with new friends
👯‍♀️ - our team tech lead was on holiday this week, so it was mostly me and another engineer working just the two of us. our big new feature is coming along and I think we made some great progress. not having someone to make all the decisions for me was really helpful, I had to take more responsibility and help things move forward!
🗣 - I presented at our team’s show and tell at the community of practice session this week. I love getting to tell people about what our team has been doing, it makes me feel really proud to take a step back and look at it all, and to publicly celebrate my teammates.
🌅 - I got to do some more stuff this week that I learned about on my DevOps course - setting some variables in terraform for our azure serverless functions.
⌨️ - I’ve been typing some typescript this week. I initially found the barrier to entry surprisingly high but I’m mostly used to dynamically typed languages. now I’m more used to TS I actually like it a good deal.
🏢 - I went into the office on Friday! To say goodbye to one of the people who is leaving (although he lives round the corner from me so it wasn’t really goodbye). It was so amazing to see people and work with them, it felt really sad to say goodbye because being with my team really energised me.

Written on March 21, 2021