week ten

 week ten

🪢 - spent over a day wrangling with one unit test. not even to get it to pass but to get it to fail correctly. it was unbelievably frustrating. there’s definitely a lot of work for me to do to understand the best way to write a test first in order to test the thing to drive writing the right code.
🧠 - had a realisation that my mental model of what we’re working on was at best massively oversimplified and at worst completely wrong. trying to step back and work on small parts of the problem.
🧩 - we’ve had a lot of conversations this week about how to address unplanned / tech debt work in our team. we’re not handling it very well at the moment.
🌈 - honestly it’s been a tough week, we spent lots of time talking about processes and breaking down work and the challenges we’re having. hopefully understanding that stuff a bit better will set us up for a better week ahead.

Written on March 14, 2021