week thirteen

 week thirteen

🤯 - “this week has been unbelievably hard, for a variety of reasons” is what I said at the beginning of last week’s weeknotes. this has not changed! i feel the same. i have the coming week off and it is much needed.
🗺 - because a good chunk of our dev team left at the end of thursday, we spent a lot of last week planning and discussing how we were going to change our priorities and how we can put the work we’ve been doing in front of users to deliver value even earlier than previously planned.
🧳 - i understand a bit more about caching now that I did previously.
👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 - it’s pretty hard to write weeknotes when things feel so tumultuous, but it’s good to record how i’m feeling. i’m learning A LOT and i do feel very supported by members of my team.

Written on April 4, 2021